What criteria will the Jury consider in their evaluations? 

Scientific criteria

The Frontiers Planet Prize will be awarded to the best research published in established peer-reviewed scientific journals, with robust peer review and transparent publication procedures.

The acceptance date of the article must fall within the 2 years prior to the launch of the competition (date of acceptance: 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2024).  Scientific excellence is the default principle to participate in the Frontiers Planet Prize. 
We welcome research across all disciplines, including social sciences, on condition it is focused on planetary boundaries and offers new insights that help to reduce the destabilization of the Earth system.  

The following criteria must be met for contributions to be considered for the Frontiers Planet Prize:

Earth system scale

The research outlines systemic solutions or pathways that can be implemented in policies, adapted commercially, or otherwise contribute to keep global development within Planetary Boundaries.

focus planetary boundaries

The research advances the scientific understanding and quantification of Planetary Boundaries. It explores how Planetary Boundaries are affected or impact life support systems/the Earth system or investigates the implications of adopting Planetary Boundaries thinking across disciplines, sectors and activities/applications.

The research must connect to several Planetary Boundaries at the Earth system scale. Research that explores interactions/relations between multiple Planetary Boundaries will be prioritized.

The Frontiers Planet Prize honors scientific breakthroughs which accelerate solutions for healthy lives on a healthy planet. The Prize is representative of the global scientific community and aims to be inclusive of all scientists, subject areas and geographical regions.

To address the planetary crisis and mobilize widespread global change, all perspectives that reflect the diverse contributions of nominees should be considered. During the nomination process we strongly encourage each National Nominating Body to address any unintended bias in the proposed candidates.

The Jury’s procedure

The Jury will decide the champions of the competition independently, transparently, and under the strictest standards of confidentiality

Each submission presents original research findings or insightful reviews and syntheses focused on Planetary Boundaries that help to reduce the destabilization of the Earth system.

Each submission will be assessed based on the:

  • Applicability of the research results

  • Scalability of the application

  • Number of planetary boundaries involved

  • Contribution to general understanding of Planetary boundaries

  • Scientific novelty

  • Research quality

Note the Frontiers Planet Prize does not guarantee a National Champion for each participating country. This decision, along with the selection process, is managed independently by the jury of 100.